Language Solutions for World-Class Professionals

It Factor: Your passport to English fluency, cultural knowledge, and the confidence to succeed globally.

Gregor Stebernak

It Factor 비즈니스 영어 대표

Business English Consultant

  • It Factor Business English founder, CEO
  • Illinois US 출신, 정확한 미국 발음 구사
  • 한국에서 12년의 비즈니스 영어 전문가
  • 금융 전문가를 위한 비즈니스 영어 코스 개발 (다수의 금융사 최고직책자 코칭)
  • 의료, IT, 재무/관리, 반도체 등 산업에 수강생 다수 보유
  • 미국 AI 의료 서비스 기업 전략 매니저로서 미국 내 서비스 런칭
  • Korea custom's law 영문 학술 자료 교정
  • Berlitz Korea, Chungdahm Learning 등 어학원 강의
  • Washington International Exchange Center 미국 취업/비자 컨설팅

Gregor is an American with 12 years of experience teaching business English in South Korea. He began his career at Berlitz, a renowned American language institute, where he taught students from top tech companies like Google, Apple, Samsung, LG, Microsoft, and Oracle. After going freelance, he founded It Factor, where he has instructed professionals from diverse industries, including tech, biotech, law, medicine, gaming, finance, and fashion.

It Factor students, who range from entry-level employees to C-level executives, all excel in their fields and require English proficiency for global business. Gregor has taught lawyers at Kim and Chang; doctors at Samsung Medical Center; executives and developers at NCSoft, Naver, and Kakao; semiconductor engineers at SK Hynix; brokers at Samsung Securities and Hanwha Investment & Securities; and even merchandisers and HR personnel at Levi’s, Adidas, and Ferragamo.  It Factor's services are customized to each student's needs to ensure they can communicate as effectively in English as they do in Korean, empowering them to excel in business globally. Ready to enhance your career? Sign up today.

It Factor Business English

잇팩터 주식회사 | 대표자: Gregor Stebernak

사업자등록번호: 544-86-02026 | 통신판매업신고번호: 2023-성남분당A-0601


문의: 070-8098-9285 |

잇팩터 어학원 경기도 수원시 영통구 대학4로 17, 에이스타워 1차 205-A48 

경기도 성남시 판교역로192번길 16 판교타워 806-A569

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